Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Let's Catch Up!

It's been seriously forever since I last blogged...
I've been so busy with everything :/
Anyway, I guess to catch you up on everything thats been going on lately, I'll make you a list.

Winter break was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Definitely the most fun I've had in a long time. Especially with Taylor being gone, it's been awhile since I've been that happy. I spent my winter break with all of my best friends! Luke and Aaron were in town and that made me happier than ever! All of us seriously partied everyday and it was so much fun! I love all of my friends with all of my heart. Whenever Luke is in town, I realize how good of a group of friends we are. BUNZ4LYFE! <3
I spent Christmas Eve with Kayla and Jimichael which was awesome! Then Jake came to town, and I spent Christmas Day with him and Garrett. It was amazing being around my friends all break, definitely got my mind off of Taylor.
My friend Timmy was also in town over winter break! I brought in the New Year with him along with Dallin, Austin, and Kayla. It was definitely a good time. I also brought in the new year by getting a tattoo :) SO MUCH FUN!

Spring semester started! I love being back at school! Even though I miss staying out until 4am every night, I really do enjoy learning. My english class is my favorite because we get into the most awesome discussions! I've also made a few new friends this semester! They're super awesome! I'm excited to see what this semester has in store for me.

Sooo I feel like February just started, but it's over next week!!! That's crazy! My February has been pretty good. Just been trying to keep my grades up. I have a midterm today in my anthropology class that I've been studying hardcore for, so hopefully I do well :) Valentines Day was last week! It was so weird not spending it with Taylor! I still had a great day though! I went to school in the happiest mood! After class, I went with Rachelle to Serendipity for some Frozen Hot Chocolate, then we walked around the Forum Shops :) It was nice catching up with her. Then Austin and I went to get our nails done, like we do every two weeks. My nail lady gave me a free design with hearts and glitter since I spent Valentines Day with her. After manicures, Austin and I went to Joe's Crab Shack and had dinner together. It was pretty nice spending Valentines Day with my friends.
That night however, I got really really sick. I'm feeling a lot better now, but not 100% better.

That's really it for now. I had a job interview today to be a hostess at Red Lobster. Fingers crossed! Until next time :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Oh So Very Thankful! :)

So I have been so busy lately that I haven't had time to blog!
Here goes nothing :)
Let's see, I don't even know what I've been up to haha.
School's been going great and I just enrolled for Spring Semester :) I'm so excited, Kayla and I have I think 2 classes together so that's going to be so fun :)

Everyone came into town this week for Thanksgiving and I was so so happy!!! :D
On Tuesday, Eric, Suzie, Jimichael, Kayla, Jessie, Tyler, Sarah, Senia, Garrett, and I hung out and had lots and lots of fun! :D

Kayla and I also got to visit Andrew Childress last night for a little while! His stories are always the best! I'm so happy that he's kept in touch with us the past couple of years he's been at Reno :) He invited us to come up to Lake Tahoe in March and we are SO excited!!!! :D

I also got to spend some time with Taylor's family this weekend :) It was so nice to see them! I stopped by and saw his mom for a little bit and then hung around for a missionary discussion. Then, Kara, Junior, and I went and got pizza from our boys Tony, George, and Austin at the Hut and watched Hancock. It was really fun to hang out with them because I missed them so much! I definitely need to visit more often.

That's really it that's new. I heard from Taylor and Mitch, they're both doing great! I'm so happy Taylor's happy. I love it! :)<3 So, in honor of Thanksgiving, I will do my Thankful Thursday :D I'M THANKFUL FOR... -Traditions. I love traditions and the holiday season is the time most of them come out! Kayla, Tony, Kaden, and I...and probably whoever else, made it tradition last year to go through the gift of lights together blasting our special edition techno Christmas music while Kaden complains he's colorblind. We also need to go Christmas caroling again! We;ve been doing it since like middle school <3 This year, we're taking it to the extreme and going to Fremont Street this year! haha. I also love today because I get to watch the traditional Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I plan on going to it one day, and if Taylor and I are still dating or are married, I'm definitely bringing his mom along with me because she's just as obsessed with it as I am. -Jacob Kyle Rogers! He's my bestest best best friend and has been since 5th grade! He gets to town tomorrow and I am so excited to see him and spend my birthday with him! I missed him way too much!! -Presents! I'm so excited for my birthday, it's Sunday :) I'm getting a new phone which I am in much need of! I also can't wait for Christmas, even though I didn't ask for anything, I'm excited to see what I get! haha. -A job. I'm so in love with my job, minus the fact that I get no hours. I love everyone there though and it is so much fun. -Taylor. Even though he's on a mission and can only talk to me twice a week, he's still been amazing to me and putting up with all of my letters! haha. I love him so much<3

That's really it I guess. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

This week.

Day 7, 8, 9, and 10!

I guess it's a good thing that I haven't had time to blog. haha.

This week hasn't been that bad. I got sick though, I have a cough and my voice is gone :/ It's kinda cool though, not having a voice.

On Wednesday, Austin, Ricardo, and I went to the Yellowcard concert. TOO SICK! It was so much fun, and half the reason I lost my voice haha.

Last night, Kayla and I began Christmas season! We went to Town Square to watch Santa's arrival parade. It was super cute and they lit the Christmas tree and it "snowed" haha. Then, Kayla, Tony, and I went to have some Hot Chocolate :) I'm excited for winter break! :D

I got a letter from Taylor! It was the best thing that has happened to me all week! I can't believe he's already been gone a week and a half. Time is flying by, which is good :) He needs to hurry home!!!<33
He's doing amazing and I am unbelievably proud of him!!!! He's already teaching in Spanish! Crazy!! He loves his roommates and his companion, apparently they all get along and quote step brothers together. hahaaha. That made me laugh so hard, just picturing a bunch of missionaries quoting Step Brothers.
He's also the happiest he's ever been in so long (besides being with me) haha. I'm so happy for him and I'm incredibly proud of him.

That's really all that's been going on in the past few days.
Til next time.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 6

Yesterday was Day 6.

It was pretty decent. Nothing too bad, nothing too great.
I went to school and found out that I got a B on my speech! :) It made me really happy because I got 100% on my actual speech, but since my "appearance" was bad, I got docked points. Which, whatever, I don't care because the night before I only got 45 minutes of sleep because my boyfriend was leaving for the MTC! Stupid lol.

Umm.. June and I had a nutrition exam. We studied so so hard! I think we did good though because afterwards we both thought it was really easy. Hopefully this isn't one of those things where you think you did good, but you actually failed lol.

I'm getting sick :( Tony, Ricardo, Austin, and I are all sick! It's getting progressively worse. I keep coughing, have the worst headache, and my nose is stuffy. To make us feel better, Tony, Austin, and I went to Uswirl and got some yougurt :)

Well, that's really it. I guess my days are getting back to normal. I'm still sad at times, but I'm dealing with it...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 5

Today was Day number 5 without Taylor.

I have truly discovered that my heart is with my missionary in Provo<3
I miss him more than anything, and times are so hard right now, that all I can do is cry and wish that he was by my side.

I spent majority of my day in bed, crying. My Dad and I haven't spoken since Taylor left, because I'm unbelievably mad at him. Today, while I was talking to my mom, I said a joke to her, but he overheard and thought I was serious. He started yelling at me. My mom tried telling him that it was a joke, but he wouldn't have it. I went into my room hysterical, because on top of all of these emotions I'm feeling with Tay being gone, my Dad has been adding to it with his drama.
I'm depressed. I do nothing but lay in bed and cry every single day. It's not just over Taylor though, I swear! I wouldn't get myself THAT worked up about him...it's everything. The fact that my Dad hates me, my car's gone, my boyfriend is gone, school is hard...

My parents are getting a divorce. My mom is freaking out because, since she's a special ed teacher, she doesn't make much money. She came to me very upset because she's unsure of how to support her and I together. I've been having terrible luck lately with jobs too, so idk how this is all going to play out.

Everything is happening at horrible timing, and it's ten times harder without my best friend here to talk to. :(

I want things to get better. Please!

Day 3 and 4

Friday and Saturday were day 3 and 4. I guess it's good then that I didn't have time to blog? I was kinda busy.

Day 3 started off terrible. I woke up early, but didn't get out of bed until about 5:30pm when Kayla came and picked me up. All day I was so so depressed because no one was able to hang out, I kept checking my phone for a call or text but wasn't getting anything, and my parents kept yelling at me :/
Once Kayla picked me up, my day turned around. I was able to get my mind off of things by spending the night at Hadley's with her, Suzie, Kayla, Jessie, Jeremy, Senia, and Tyler.

Day 4 was better. I was occupied just about all day. Woke up from Hadley's, watched Harry Potter, went home and got ready, went to BWW with Kayla, Jessie, Beca, Hadley, and Suzie, went to the mall, then Kayla and I hung out with Tony, Kaden, Allie, Jessie, and Jeff.

So my days haven't been too terrible, but the pain is still strongly there. It sucks so much each day. :(
I just can't wait to hear from him.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 2

Yesterday was day two without Taylor and it was a little rough.
My day went by sooooooo slow!! Five minutes felt like an hour. It was about 3:30pm, and I remember thinking to myself, "Why is the sun still up? It's like 8.." :( yup. Time goes by slow when you're waiting for it to speed up.

Another thing that made yesterday was rough was my phone. I can't stand this whole not getting texts or calls anymore :( I miss my boyfriend.

I stayed at school until about 7 last night because I was scared to leave. I felt like if I left I would just get more sad because I had nothing to do. However, Tony called me at about that time and asked me to go to dinner with him, so that was nice. Then I spent my night just talking with Ricardo and Austin about everything. They're great friends :)

My home life isn't well at all. I wish I had a steady income coming my way instead of this stupid on call, seasonal crap with work. I need to save up and get a freakin place to myself. My dad hasn't spoken to me in 3 days, my mom is always yelling at me and making me cry, and my dad, 3 days ago, told me he wants me out of the house and gone. I'm so done with everyone here :( It's seriously what brings me down the most, and I hate being around all of the negativity, but I have no where else to go... :( and it's 10 times harder without Taylor here. :'(

Everything is just bad. It's all bad.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

-I'm thankful for the strength of mine and Taylor's relationship. Maybe this mission thing won't be as bad as I thought.

-DearElder, MyLDSMail, and MissionSite...I love being able to communicate with Tay<3

-My friends. They've been so helpful through out this whole process! I love them!

tha's it because everything else sucks. :P

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 1

It's finally here! November 9, 2011.
So today is the first day Taylor is officially OFFICIALLY gone.
He left for Utah Tuesday morning, so we said all of our goodbyes on Monday, however, since then we've been texting and talking on the phone. So today is the first day that I haven't been able to talk to him.

I'm doing suprisingly well. I think it may be because I got all of my tears and sadness out this past week. I was seriously a mess. Now, I'm pretty good and optimistic. I'm emailing and dear eldering him, getting a package set up to give him this weekend , that Hadley kindly offered to deliver for me :) and just been excited to start counting down the days until he gets back! This is the first time I've ever felt so happy about the mission :) I have an incredible load of faith and I can feel God helping me out with this :)<3

I am so blessed to have Taylor in my life and to have spent an amazing two years with him<3 He's the best and I am so lucky that I got to fall in love with my best friend. When he gets back, we will pick up where we left off :)<3

So, that's it for today really...
Everyone has been SUPER awesome at helping me cope. I'd like to thank everyone who sent me a text, message on Facebook, phone call, or comforted me in person. It means so much to me that people care :)<3 I love all of you!

Well, thinks seem to be good, but it may be just because it hasn't hit me...I really can't tell if it has or not, but I am in a great mood about all of this :)<3 I find it kinda strange haha.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Nothing Lasts Forever

Today is the last day I get to spend with my boyfriend before he leaves for his mission :( It seems unreal for me, and I know that tonight, I'm still going to feel like I'm gonna see him tomorrow. ...Idk what I'm gonna do without my best friend around. :(

I've never been so depressed before. I cry ALL THE TIME. Even when I'm not trying to or in the appropriate place to cry. I cry in school, in the car, just sitting with friend, and the worst is at night. :(

I'm honestly speechless about what's going on. I love Taylor more than anything else in this world. I can't wait for him to come home.<3